Criteria: Board members have a shared understanding of the mission and purpose of the IDA.
Agree: 4
Somewhat Agree: 0
Somewhat Disagree:0
Disagree: 0
Criteria: The policies, practices and decisions of the IDA are consistent with this mission.
Agree: 4
Somewhat Agree: 0
Somewhat Disagree:0
Disagree: 0
Criteria: Board members comprehend their role and fiduciary responsibilities and hold themselves and each other to these responsibilities.
Agree: 4
Somewhat Agree: 0
Somewhat Disagree:0
Disagree: 0
Criteria: The Board has adopted policies, by-laws, and practices for the effective governance, management and operation of the IDA and reviews these annually.
Agree: 4
Somewhat Agree: 0
Somewhat Disagree:0
Disagree: 0
Criteria: The Board sets clear and measurable performance goals for the Authority that contribute to accomplishing its mission.
Agree: 1
Somewhat Agree: 3
Somewhat Disagree:0
Disagree: 0
Criteria: Board decisions are arrived at through independent judgment and deliberation, free of political influence, pressure or self-interest.
Agree: 4
Somewhat Agree: 0
Somewhat Disagree:0
Disagree: 0
Criteria: Board members communicate effectively with the Executive Director and are well informed on the status of all important issues.
Agree: 4
Somewhat Agree: 0
Somewhat Disagree:0
Disagree: 0
Criteria: Board members are knowledgeable of IDA programs, financial statements, reporting requirements, and other transactions.
Agree: 4
Somewhat Agree: 0
Somewhat Disagree:0
Disagree: 0
Criteria: The Board meets to review and approve all documents and reports prior to public release and is confident that the information being presented is accurate and complete.
Agree: 4
Somewhat Agree: 0
Somewhat Disagree:0
Disagree: 0
Criteria: The Board knows the statutory obligations of the IDA and if the IDA is in compliance with state law.
Agree: 2
Somewhat Agree: 2
Somewhat Disagree:0
Disagree: 0
Criteria: Board and Committee meetings facilitate open, deliberate and thorough discussions and the active participation of members.
Agree: 4
Somewhat Agree: 0
Somewhat Disagree:0
Disagree: 0
Criteria: Board members have sufficient opportunity to research, discuss, question and prepare before decisions are made and votes taken.
Agree: 4
Somewhat Agree: 0
Somewhat Disagree:0
Disagree: 0
Criteria: Board members feel empowered to delay votes, defer agenda items or table actions if they feel additional information or discussion is required.
Agree: 4
Somewhat Agree: 0
Somewhat Disagree:0
Disagree: 0
Criteria: The Board exercises appropriate oversight of Executive Director, including setting performance expectations and reviewing performance annually.
Agree: 3
Somewhat Agree: 1
Somewhat Disagree:0
Disagree: 0
Criteria: The Board has identified the areas of most risk to the IDA and works with management to implement risk mitigation strategies before problems occur.
Agree: 3
Somewhat Agree: 1
Somewhat Disagree:0
Disagree: 0
Criteria: Board members demonstrate leadership and vision and work respectfully with each other.
Agree: 4
Somewhat Agree: 0
Somewhat Disagree:0
Disagree: 0